Ed Williams


New Staff

I grew up in Selma, Alabama and was blessed to have a family and church that poured the gospel into me from a very young age. However, when I began college here at Auburn, I realized that my belief in Christ held only a very small importance in my life. During this season, the Lord used several older guys involved with Onward and my fraternity to show me what it means to have a personal walk with Jesus Christ and to let that walk be the driving point of my life. The way that these young men took the time to invest in me relationally built lasting friendships that allowed them to point me to Jesus over and over. This relationship-based ministry struck me as authentic and has led me to spend the next year of my life with Onward, where I’ll be part of a team that builds relationships with younger fraternity guys and points them to Jesus. I’m excited to see all that God will do through Onward!